You kids would love this. We all have a sweet tooth and our mouth becomes watery as soon as we hear about the names of different delicacies and confectionaries. So when they would hear that they are going to get the cake or muffin in the end, they would be excited to be part of the process. The easiest thing to start will be sponge cake. Involve them when preparing the batter and tell them how to take the measurements. Your kids can select the flavours they like and can also select the shape of the cake of their choice. Once they are used to baking, your junior can try on more recipes like garlic bread, sandwiches or lava cake!BHEL FOR AN EVENING SNACK
If there is one Indian snack that is very popular and loved by all Indians, it is a Bhel Puri. All that is used for making Bhel is chopping and mixing. So when all the chopping is done, ask them to mix all the important ingredients and spices. The best thing about this snack is that it can be made in just a few minutes and is very delicious and super tasty.WRAPS TO LEARN SUSTAINABLE COOKING
They are very particular about how the food is served to them. It is mostly the presentation of food that grabs their attention the most. Wraps of chapatis with a leftover vegetable can be used as a snack in the evening. All you need to do is make chapati of fine flour and stuff vegetables inside it. To add more flavor add a mayonnaise cheese layer and a schezwan sauce and the wrap is good to go.

Who doesn’t love fruits? It is delicious, juicy, and nutritious. You can do the chopping part and they can help you select fruits. While choosing fruits, tell them about the nutritional values and benefits that they are going to get. You can also tell them about different seasonings and garnishing to enhance the taste of the salad.
Apart from these basic cooking ideas, you can also try different Indian cuisine that can be cooked instantly and is easy to make. Apart from the above-mentioned food ideas, you can also try some new recipes that are originally prepared by your kids. They would not only love the experience but also learn to respect the effort and time that goes into preparing the food.